Tuesday 3 August 2010

microfestivals and Second Life

ok. it seems, from viewing this heat map of folk around the sims of SL : http://lab.kathar.in/heatmap/ that folk prefer small close gatherings than huge parties (though it might be a question of lag problems).

that seems consistant with real life as well. even if you go to a huge festival you'll often see a distinct grouping amoungst the festival goers. SO! is my new fascination for the concept of a microfestival part of the new idea of thinking cities. is this how we deal with large populations? by grouping into small parties and thinking like tribes people ina jungle. The terminology is often used lie we are bands of hunter gathers living in a vast chaotic but understanable environmental system.

i got made redundant by the way and pa's broked his wrist. So i've been busy and away in case anyone actually checks this :D